WINPRO, LLC offers investors a convenient platform to invest in alternative debt instruments. WINPRO offers a wide variety of investment funds for investors to participate. Each fund is designed to meet a variety of investment objective and to provide diversification across platforms. For investors seeking stable dividends from cash-flows, WINPRO offers several Fund’s that provide a stable preferred return on invested capital. Typical preferred returns are set at 10%. These Fund’s also provide waterfall distributions that accelerate over-all return performance. Overall return on invested equity is a targeted objective of 15% to 20%. WINPRO’s Fund’s invest in non-performing and sub-performing commercial real estate loans. These loan acquisitions are sourced through WINPRO’s long-standing relationships with institutional and governmental agency lenders. WINPRO’s principals have over 40 years of combined experienced in loan sale acquisitions, with over $100 million in one-off loan sales. Our back-office operations are state- of- the art providing investors with complete and timely financial reporting. WINPRO’s platform offers investors a unique opportunity to invest alongside our experienced management team to realize out-sized investment returns.